
In my current project, How the Black Body Bends: Sensorial Distortions in Black Contemporary Art, I analyze the relationship between blackness, sensate formations, and material distortions in the artwork of contemporary black artists.

I have published an article on Senam Okudzeto in Women and Performance: a journal of feminist theory, art writings on Tschabalala Self for the 2017-2018 exhibition catalogue Trigger: Gender As a Tool and a Weapon at the New Museum of Contemporary Art, Sam Vernon for the 2018 exhibition Rage Wave at G44: Centre for Contemporary Photography in Toronto, Canada, Nicki Green, Maggie Lawson, and Rachel Cardenas Stallings for The 48th Annual UC Berkeley Master of Fine Arts Graduate Exhibition in 2018, and Christina Quarles for the forthcoming exhibition New Time: Art and Feminisms in the 21st Century at the Berkeley Art Museum & Pacific Film Archive.

In the classroom, I center black cultural histories and modern and contemporary art as a way to broaden students’ understanding of the role visuality plays in structuring narratives of race, gender, sexuality, and disability.

publications available at
currently located in Houston, Texas